ReleaseWire For Publishers

Embedded Content

ReleaseWire’s embedded press release feature makes it quick and easy to add a press release into your website, blog post or online article. While we have provided default formatting and styling to the embedded press releases, the display can be customized to fit your needs.

This page explains how to embed press releases in a few simple clicks.

How to embed a press releases onto your web site

When viewing a press release on ReleaseWire, you will see an "Embed This Press Release" button. To begin the embedding process, click on this button.

ReleaseWire for Publishers - Embeding A Press Release

A window will be displayed which includes the embed code and a preview of how the embed will look on your web site.

ReleaseWire for Publishers - Embeding A Press Release

Copy and paste the entire HTML code provided on your website where you wish to have the press release displayed.

<a class="rwp-pr" href="">NextLED Sign Shines Bright in Pittsburg State's New Athletic Center</a><script>!function(){var e="rwp-platform";if(!document.getElementById(e)){var t=document.createElement("script");,t.src=("https:"===document.location.protocol?"https":"http")+"://",t.async=!0,document.body.appendChild(t)}}();</script>

For advanced functionally such as customization, please review our advanced documentation.