Embedded Content
This page contains advanced options for ReleasesWire’s embedded press releases feature. For out-of-the-box installation instructions, please visit the "Getting Started" guide..
Global Configurations
Embedded content can be customized on a page level using a JavaScript object. When using this option, all embedded content on the page will use these settings.
var rw_config = rw_config||{};
rw_config.show = 'preview';
rw_config.theme = 'dark';
rw_config.width = 650;
rw_config.height = 450;
rw_config.nostyle = false;
rw_config.noimages = false;
<a class="rwp-pr" href="http://rwire.com/598455">NextLED Sign Shines Bright in Pittsburg State's New Athletic Center</a><script>!function(){var e="rwp-platform";if(!document.getElementById(e)){var t=document.createElement("script");t.id=e,t.src=("https:"===document.location.protocol?"https":"http")+"://publisher.releasewire.com/embed.js",t.async=!0,document.body.appendChild(t)}}();</script>
<script>!function(){var e="rwp-platform";if(!document.getElementById(e)){var t=document.createElement("script");t.id=e,t.src=("https:"===document.location.protocol?"https":"http")+"://publisher.releasewire.com/dev/embed.js",t.async=!0,document.body.appendChild(t)}}();</script></code>
Variable | Description | Default |
rw_config.show | Choose to show a preview (headline, summary and link) or the full press release. Valid options are "full" or "preview" | preview |
rw_config.theme | Chose which theme is used. Valid options are "light" and "dark" | light |
rw_config.width | Set the width of the embedded content in pixels. | 450 |
rw_config.height | Set the height of the embedded content in pixels. | 250 |
rw_config.noimages | When this option is set to true, images, such as logos, will not be included in the embedded content. | false |
rw_config.nostyle | When this option is set to true, no style attributes are set for the embedded iFrame. | false |
Customizing Individual Embeds
Individual embedded content items can be customized by added one or more HTML data-* attributes. These attributes must be defined in the "rwp-pr" A tag.
These data-* attributes will override the global configuration.
When including multiple embedded elements on a single page, the JavaScript code will only needed to be included once.
+ Add News Alert | ||
Element | Description | Default |
data-rwp-show | Choose to show a preview (headline, summary and link) or the full press release. Valid options are "full" or "preview" | preview |
data-rwp-theme | Chose which theme is used. Valid options are "light" and "dark" | light |
data-rwp-width | Set the width of the embedded content in pixels. | 450 |
data-rwp-height | Set the height of the embedded content in pixels. | 250 |
data-rwp-noimages | When this option is set to true, images, such as logos, will not be included in the embedded content. | false |
data-rwp-nostyle | When this option is set to true, no style attributes are set for the embedded iFrame. | false |
<a rel="nofollow" class="rwp-pr" data-rwp-noimages=true data-rwp-show="full"
data-rwp-theme="light" href="http://rwire.com/536474">With Increased Service for Businesses of All Sizes - SBWire Is Now ReleaseWire</a>
<a class="rwp-pr" href="http://rwire.com/598455">NextLED Sign Shines Bright in Pittsburg State's New Athletic Center</a><script>!function(){var e="rwp-platform";if(!document.getElementById(e)){var t=document.createElement("script");t.id=e,t.src=("https:"===document.location.protocol?"https":"http")+"://publisher.releasewire.com/embed.js",t.async=!0,document.body.appendChild(t)}}();</script>
<script>!function(){var e="rwp-platform";if(!document.getElementById(e)){var t=document.createElement("script");t.id=e,t.src=("https:"===document.location.protocol?"https":"http")+"://publisher.releasewire.com/dev/embed.js",t.async=!0,document.body.appendChild(t)}}();</script></code>