Using oEmbed, publishers can quickly embed press releases distributed by ReleaseWire onto their website.
Using oEmbed, a consumer application, will be able to automatically convert a web link to a press release hosted on ReleaseWire, into embedded content.
Consumer applications and libraries that support oEmbed, can be found for many programming languages including Javascript, PHP, Ruby, Perl and more.
Building An HTTP Request
The consumer who is requesting the embeded content must follow a standardized format while making the request. Requests sent to ReleaseWire's oEmbed API must use the HTTP GET protocol, with all arguments sent as query parameters. All arguments must be urlencoded.
Request Parameters
Parameter | Description | Default |
url | REQUIRED: This is the URL of the press release to embed. It can either be the foll web address or the short web address. | |
maxwidth | This parameter will set the maximum width of the embeded content. | |
maxheight | This parameter will set the maximum height of the embeded content. | |
format | This parameter will determine the response format of either "json" or "xml". | json |
show | This parameter controls how much of the press release is displayed. Valid options are "preview" and "full". | preview |
theme | This parameter controls what dispaly style is used. Valid options are "light" and "dark". | light |
nostyle | If this parameter is set to "false", no theme will be applied to the embeded content. Valid options are "true" and "false". | false |
nostyle | If this parameter is set to "false", no images will be included in the embeded content. Valid options are "true" and "false". | false |
Request Examples
This example uses the short web address for a press release.
This example uses the full web address for a press release.
Example Output
JSON Output
XML output is used when you pass "format=json" to the query or do not include the "format" option.
"version": "1.0",
"type": "rich",
"width": 0,
"height": 0,
"html": "<a rel=\"nofollow\" class=\"rwp-pr\" href=\"http:\/\/rwire.com\/536474\">With Increased
Service for Businesses of All Sizes
- SBWire Is Now ReleaseWire<\/a>\r\n<script>!function(){var e=\"rwp-platform\";if(!document.getElementById(e)){var
"provider_name": "ReleaseWire",
"provider_url": "http:\/\/www.releasewire.com\/",
"title": "With Increased Service
for Businesses of All Sizes -
SBWire Is Now ReleaseWire",
"author_name": "ReleaseWire",
"author_url": "http:\/\/www.releasewire.com"
XML Output
XML output is used when you pass "format=xml" to the query.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<html><a rel="nofollow" class="rwp-pr" href="http://rwire.com/536474">With Increased Service
for Businesses of All Sizes -
SBWire Is Now ReleaseWire</a>
<script>!function(){var e="rwp-platform";if(!document.getElementById(e)){var t=document.createElement("script");t.id=e,t.src=("https:"===document.location.protocol?"https":"http")+"://publisher.releasewire.com/embed.js",t.async=!0,document.body.appendChild(t)}}();</script></html>
Increased Service for Businesses of All
Sizes - SBWire Is Now ReleaseWire</title>
Possible Errors
- - 404 Not Found - The supplied URL was not found or embeding is not supported.
- - 501 Not Implemented - The format supplied in the query string is not supported. Valid options are "json" and "xml".
- - 401 Unauthorized - The URL is currently private or restricted.
A successful request will send a 200 status code.